But it must be that Arasch and Lunabarxes have a vision that extends beyond the present.Īnd now, we hold our first elections. It seems unlikely that Intensive Cultivation will do us any good at the moment. We do not wish our presence to throw its ecosystem out of balance, but stagnation is a difficult concept for the Unfallen to accept.

It seems as though we have reached the extent to which we can populate our home planet. We cannot divine who constructed such a ruse, but some of our scientists aboard the vessel intend to make a closer inspection. Such an anomaly is unrecorded in our long history. It appears that a planet in a nearby system is not a planet at all, but a hologram. Meanwhile, the crew of the First Flaming Embers has reported quite a curiosity. Our scientists curl their branches in delight at the thought of these compounds, though I have only known them to be inert, lifeless things. Scans indicate that the planet also contains Titanium and Hyperium. All reports state that the planet is not quite as cold as we once thought, and it is filled with all manner of exotic and beautiful flora and fauna. Without hesitation, some of the Unfallen have descended to the surface of Giazar I to begin a small colony there. Perhaps I will have another opportunity to witness such a wonder. But my duties called me back to Koyasil before I could see the noble work reach fruition. I know, I said I would be there to watch as the celestial vines grew. I have also received word that the First Glowing Embers has completed their work entwining the Giazar system. Arasch is mostly a stoic leader, but I have known him long, and can perceive the slightest increase in warmth from his heart at the thought of the Grand Viceroy.

We are saddened by the plight of the Grand Viceroy’s people, and we offer them some of our Dust as a branch of friendship and trust. We shall not adopt the name, but we are happy to share our galaxy with any peaceful creatures. The Grand Viceroy looks to our universe, calling it New Coroz. The reality they once knew as home is diseased and, if we understand them correctly, rotting throughout. It seems they grew forth from another dimension out of necessity. They call themselves Riftborn, we think for lack of a better term, and we appreciate their collective mindedness and their dedication to peace. The Unfallen aboard the First Flaming Embers have also encountered a curious major life form. I am no politician, but it appears this will increase our food stores, and in turn, our population, leading to more brave Unfallen who will spread throughout the galaxy to champion peace and sacred harmony. In fact, Lunabarxes has reported to me that she has successfully brought forth some cross-party legislation in our Senate, to enact the Green Fertility Bill. The Scientists also do not worry us, provided their minds are aligned with their hearts. The Unfallen are by Pacifists by nature, though we are heartened to see a group of Ecologists blooming. Perhaps it is a plot from the small margin of Industrialists, whose movement seems to be gaining traction. Some have requested that Lunabarxes command the vessel herself, but Arasch believes that this is just a ploy from her detractors to oust her from the Senate. The First Glowing Embers continues to extend the reaches of our celestial vines, but if we can enlist the crew for a second vessel, our reach will grow faster and farther than before. We have also begun construction on a new vineship. This ancient creature is quite selfless, and it is no doubt that they would be a boon to the entire universe, if more of them can be found. We are even joined on our home world by a Guardian. The drone network has proved fruitful, and our numbers begin to flourish. Our drones were even able to capture this image of the harmonious shape of our wondrous galaxy. Much has happened in the universe since your last visit, and some of it we even know about. For the previous entry in this series, see the first episode.