Mac pro 2012 graphics card fix
Mac pro 2012 graphics card fix

mac pro 2012 graphics card fix

Has anybody had this experience while trying to replace the GFX card on their older Mac Pro? So if it is simply a faulty card, is it worth getting a replacement of the same card since it seems capable of working on my mac? Or should I look into returning this one and purchasing something like the NVIDIA Quadro 4000. I initially purchased this card so I could use Ray-Traced Rendering in AE as the AMD (including those in the new mac pro) do not allow this feature. I guess my real question/dilemma is that there are only a few GFX cards which are compatible with both adobe programs, my Mac Pro, and that are accelerated GPU capable. When I asked EVGA and NVIDIA about replacing the card they said it was not longer under warranty so I'd have to do it through the store. I have not had these issues present themselves in my final exports, which is why I have stood to use the card for so long. The big issue is that when I render anything in Premiere or After Affects CC2015.3 I get black bars, scrambled images, pink and green pixels, both in the application and transferring to chrome or my desktop or any open application.


I have been using the card now for about 4 months, and despite having some initial difficulties with the CUDA Driver (which were solved be uninstalling and re-installing), the card is functional. I now realize was a lie, and I have the regular PC version of the card, which may be part of the issue. Then I purchased a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 card off a website which advertised it as the "mac edition" of the card. I am operating with 2 x 2.4 GHz 6-core Intel Xeon, I've upgraded to 48GF of RAM and I've got an 500GB SSD for my startup disk, and 8TB of internal storage on 3 drives.

mac pro 2012 graphics card fix

I recently made some upgrades on my mac pro and I am running into what seem to be graphic card failures.

Mac pro 2012 graphics card fix